DIY Bouquet Day

In celebration of Pride and love, last Tuesday the Northern Region Rainbow Network partnered with Brendan and the Dig It! Gardens for a bouquet making event. Staff members, garden volunteers, and even family members came to learn how to make a bouquet. They used fresh flowers picked straight from our Dig It! community garden, arranged and wrapped them to take away and give to their loved ones. It was a great way to spend time together, learn from each other, and a chance to continue talks about diversity and inclusion. The day was once again a huge success with many people showing up to support pride and take part in this activity. Big thanks to Brendan for running the session, and for the mahi he does in the garden.

Image descriptions

Photo 1: Bouquets in construction; bundles of yellow, orange, and red flowers and greenery laid out on craft paper on a wooden table. There is also a glass jug of water with one flower.

Photo 2: Tyla Maud (she/her), Tamara Faanana (she/her), and Loisi Tohi (she/her) stand together in the garden, each holding their own large bouquet of flowers.

Photo 3: Tyla and Loisi stand together in the office holding their bouquets.

Photo 4: Jasmine Khorasanee (she/her) in the garden, showing off her bouquet.

Our final event is the Craft Activities session on Wednesday 28th February, 10:30am in the Totara Room at Royal Oak. Come make a pronouns badge, name badge or poster for your desk or just come hang out with the Rainbow Network team!


Rainbow Network craft session


Rainbow Network cupcake decorating