Kathy Obers

Portrait of Kathy Obers

Inspired by a career in early childhood teaching and working with Scouts New Zealand for more than 20 years, Kathy Obers has been a Southland Local Advisory Committee (LAC) member since 2001 and the Southland LAC Chair since 2008.

When she joined the committee, she discovered she could make a difference for disabled people and get their voices heard in a variety of ways.

Kathy encourages her fellow committee members to speak out and participate in the variety of training offered, such as seminars. She says these forums provide a way of ensuring that people know they can take control of their lives and have a choice to work, live and be involved in many pursuits that interest them.

“The growth in disabled persons taking on leadership roles throughout our organisation is enlightening, their voices are being heard throughout New Zealand making a big difference to national and local government policies.”

Kathy sees the biggest challenge for Southland is to encourage members to join the LAC and bring their voices to the table. She’d like to see LAC involved in more project work, like the Mobility within our City survey and forum done in 2008.

To Kathy, the perfect world is one where everyone is accepted for who they are with their needs met. This includes accessible communities with user-friendly transport, accessible housing and education all readily available.

“I’d like to see everyone having the choice to live where they wish, work earning a wage and to be able to pursue their interests and passions,” says Kathy.


Andrew Kidd


Virginia Wilson