Graham Cochrane

Portrait of Graham Cochrane

I joined the then Crippled Children Society in Central Taranaki in 1972 and on my return to New Plymouth in 1978 was co-opted onto the North Taranaki Branch as a committee member.

During the 1980s and 1990s I held a position as Central Regional Representative on the National Board for nine years. Since that time I have held a number of positions on our local branch and at present I’m chairperson of our Local Committee. I am also a Life Member both of our North Taranaki branch and the National body.

In my career for 30 years as an auctioneer and real estate salesperson, I have been heavily involved in the New Plymouth community, with 17 years as Deputy Controller Civil Defence, 18 years as Race Director of our Mountain to Surf Marathon and over 40 years as a rugby referee (still active each Saturday and mid-week). It was in 2015 that I was awarded a New Zealander of the Year Award for my service to the folk of New Plymouth city.


Mohan de Mel


Greg Roseman