Recruitment remuneration

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Kia Ora CCS Disability Action Caregivers

We at CCS Disability Action need individuals, couples, families and whānau just like you, who can open their homes and their hearts to a disabled child or young person. They must be able to provide a safe and nurturing home, have a willingness to learn, complete our safety checks and assessment process and participate in any training necessary to ensure a child or young person’s needs are met.

At this time, we would like to offer you a remuneration of $250 if you can recommend any suitable caregivers who go on to become approved caregivers and matched with a child or young person.

We very much look forward to hearing from you and please remind those that you recommend to inform us of your recommendation.

Kind regards,

Emily Conway

National Caregiver Recruitment Coordinator

CCS Disability Action, National Office

TEL  027 208 2496